
Lorenzo Chelleri
Lorenzo is the Director of the International Master in City Resilience Design and Management and Chair of the Urban Resilience research Network (URNet). With a background in urban and regional planning, environmental policy and urban geography, he worked for the European Environment Agency (EEA), developed case study research in Mexico, Bolivia, Morocco, Europe and Asia and published more than 50 papers in scientific journals. His research, consulting and teaching activities critically address the governance and planning processes related to urban resilience with a mayor emphasis on decentralized and people centred approaches. Currently he is co-editing 2 special issues exploring the linkages between Resilience and Sustainability, and exploring the (much needed) concept of Pandemic Urbanism, while being the scientific advisor for the International Platform for Social Sustainability, and a consultant supporting cities within their urban resilience agenda setting and implementation.

Valeria Rijana
Valeria is the co-coordinator of the International Master in City Resilience Design and Management. She is an urbanist and researcher from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Graduated in Architecture specialized in urban resilience, housing and community-led processes. She has 10 years of working experience in the public sector in the field of urban planning and housing development. Her teaching experience is in urbanism and sustainable architecture. As a researcher she works on urban strategies for climate emergency, community resilience and COVID-19 recovery.

Mattia Leone
Mattia, Architect and PhD in Building Technology and Environmental Design, is Assistant Professor in Architectural Technology at the Department of Architecture (DiARC) and Senior Researcher at PLINIVS-LUPT Study Centre at the University of Naples Federico II (UNINA). His main research activities concern sustainable design and technological retrofitting of buildings and public spaces, with particular reference to environmental design and building technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation. As a member of UCCRN - Urban Climate Change Research Network, he is in the Coordination Board of the UCCRN European Hub and Scientific Responsible of the Climate Resilient Urban Design Workshop series, exploring multi-scale sustainable and resilient urban design strategies through advanced applications of GIS and parametric design tools.

Enzo Falco
Enzo holds a PhD in Urban Planning from Sapienza University of Rome and is currently Assistant Professor of Urban Planning at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento (UNITN), Italy. He has been involved in several Horizon 2020, Marie Curie IRSES, JPI and ESPON research projects as partner and WP leader. He conducts research on the effects of planning law on planning practice and tools such as Transfer of Development Rights, Urban Ecosystem Services implementation through market-based planning tools, adoption of web-based participatory mapping technology and Mixed-Reality tools in planning for co-production and citizens engagement purposes. He is co-founder Editor-in-Chief of the online fully open access Italian Journal of Planning Practice currently indexed in Scopus and in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of Clarivate Web of a Science.

Erika Zárate
Erika is a Quechua-Canadian activist, consultant and researcher who has worked for over 20 years in the fields of community resilience and human rights, and holds complementary degrees (B.Sc, University of Toronto; B.Ed, Queen’s University; M.Sc, Guelph University). She worked with Indigenous and rural communities in Canada and in armed conflicts across Latin America. Inspired by such exemplary resilient communities, Erika co-founded the non-profit cooperative Resilience.Earth, working to strengthen resilience in communities across rural Catalonia and Europe. She specialises in participatory governance and policy development, citizen-led regenerative design, strategic planning and evaluation. She is an associate professor with the University of Girona.

Johannes Langemeyer
Johannes is a transdisciplinary researcher at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA), Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona. He holds a PhD in Sustainability Science from the Stockholm University and in Environmental Science and Technology from ICTA UAB. His research combines different methods and data streams, qualitative approaches, with a strong focus on stakeholder engagement and multi-criteria decision analysis. He is conducting applied research at the interface of urban ecology, urban geography and urban planning with the aim to understand the complexities of urban social-ecological systems. He's currently focusing on relational values with regard to urban green spaces, and their relations with urban health, resilience and justice.

Sara Meerow
Sara Meerow holds a PhD in Natural Resources and Environment from University of Michigan and is becoming the reference scholar when it comes to define urban resilience from different perspectives. She holds a Master’s in International Development Studies from University of Amsterdam and a Bachelor in Anthropology from University of Florida. Her research at the intersection of urban geography and planning focuses on theories and practices of urban resilience, green infrastructure, and climate change adaptation planning. Sara is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning and a Senior Sustainability Scientist at Arizona State University.

Jon Coaffee
Jon Coaffee is among the most cited authors when it comes to urban resilience, from security to integrated perspectives. He holds a PhD in Urban Studies from Oxford Brookes University. His research focuses upon the interplay of physical and socio-political aspects of urban resilience and he has also published widely, especially on the impact of terrorism and other security concerns on the functioning of urban areas. Jon is Director of the Resilient Cities Laboratory (ResCity Lab) at the Warwick Institute for the Science of Cities (WISC) and an Exchange Professor at New York University’s Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP). He is also co-lead of the University’s Global Research Priority in Sustainable Cities.

Marie-Christine Therrien
Marie-Christine Therrien holds a PhD in Engineering and Management from École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris (MINES ParisTech). Her research explores issues of network coordination, organisational failure, knowledge transfer, resilience in organisations, and crisis management. Outside of her academic research, Prof. Therrien has worked in partnership with several public and private organisations, such as the Montréal Center of Resilience, Science Application International Corporation, the Quebec government, and the Canadian Red Cross. Marie-Christine Therrien is currently a Management Professor at the École nationale d’administration publique, and Director of Cité-ID LivingLab Urban Resilience Governance.

Juan del Río
Juan del Río is co-founder and part of the coordination team of Red de Transición (Transition Spain). Biologist, activist, facilitator, educator and researcher for sustainability. Since 2006 he focuses his work on promoting new models of sustainable living and local resilience, having worked in Europe, Latin America and Middle East. In projects like Smart CSOs Lab, fostering systemic change within CSOs, or SwitchMed as an expert in the Civil Society Team. Juan is author of “Guía del movimiento de Transición”, first book about transition in Spanish. He lives in Cardedeu, Barcelona, where he takes part in few local projects like Cardedeu en Transició and a permacultural garden.

Marta Olazabal
Marta Olazabal is an interdisciplinary scientist exploring the impacts of climate change and adaptation options in urban areas. She has a background on Environmental Engineering (BSc and MSc, both from the School of Engineering of Bilbao. She holds a PhD in Land Economy from the University of Cambridge (UK). In 2011, she co-founded the Urban Resilience Researchers Network (URNet). She is currently Research Fellow and leads the Adaptation Research group at the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3). She is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Juan de la Cierva - Incorporación grant) and AXA Research Fund.

Thorsten Schuetze
Thorsten Schuetze is Professor for Sustainable Architecture and Urbanism at SungKyunKwan University. He holds a Ph.D. from the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape of the Leibniz University Hanover. The research focus is on Integrated Design of Low-Energy, Passive and Zero Emission Buildings and Districts, Resource Efficiency, Water Sensitive Urban Design and Planning, Urban Resilience, as well as Climate Change Adaptation & Mitigation. His research on decentralized infrastructure systems include technically and nature-orientated systems for the management of energy, liquid and solid organic wastes, and water, the greening of space and buildings, as well as the production of food and renewable energy.

Beniamino Russo
Beniamino obtained his PhD in Civil engineering from Technical University of Catalonia. He holds a Laurea in Civil engineering from the University of Calabria. His research focussed on flood risk management and urban drainage. Beniamino is a full professor of Hydraulics and Hydrology at the Technical College of La Almunia (University of Zaragoza, Spain) and associate professor at the Technical University of Catalonia and R&D+i project manager of the Suez Water Advanced Solutions, Urban Drainage Direction.

Ana Huertas
Ana Huertas is part of the coordinating team for the Spanish Transition Hub. She has worked as an international cooperation technician for community development, sustainable agriculture and holistic education, and is also a trained Permaculture teacher and course facilitator for the Transition Movement. She has conducted research on climate change, urban and rural resilience, group dynamics and participatory tools for social change. She has experience in project design and multi-disciplinary team management.

Daniele Cannatella
Daniele is a post-doc researcher at the section of Landscape Architecture at TU Delft. He has a background in urban planning and design. As an urban planner, he was involved in the redaction of numerous city masterplans. His research focuses on complex adaptive systems theory, regional design, and adaptation and mitigation strategies to climate change, using digital mapping and data visualization as a means for understanding, interpreting and constructing narratives and future trajectories. Currently, he is involved in the Adaptive Urban Landscape (AUT) research project, having as a focus area the Pearl River Delta (China).

Wolfgang Haupt
Wolfgang Haupt is the former Coordinator of the International Master in City Resilience Design and Management and currently a research associate at the Leibniz Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning' (IRS, Germany). He is now involved in the master by teaching in the module Implementation, about transnational municipal climate networks, city-to-city-learning and the transfer and mobility of local climate policies. Wolfgang holds a bachelor's and a master's degree in geography from Technische Universität Dresden and a Ph.D. in urban studies from Gran Sasso Science Institute L’Aquila and Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies Pisa.

Stelios Grafakos
Dr Stelios Grafakos is a Principal Economist at the Climate Action and Inclusive Development Unit of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI). In his current role, he is leading GGGI’s technical work on supporting member and partner countries to develop their Long-Term Low Emissions Development Strategies (LT-LEDS). He is responsible for GGGI’s work on the (macro)-economic analysis of green and low carbon growth plans and strategies, with main focus on the assessment of green jobs.
Stelios holds a PhD in integrated assessment of climate actions and decision support from the Erasmus University Rotterdam, a Master’s Degree in Environmental Management and Policy from the University of Amsterdam and a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from the Athens University of Economics and Business.

Òscar Gussinyer
Òscar is an activist, consultant and researcher who has worked for over 20 years in the fields of systems thinking, sustainability and regeneration, and holds complementary degrees (B.Sc, Fairleigh Dickenson University; Postgrad in Nonviolence, UAB; Masters in Sustainability, UPC; Postgrad in Sustainable Community Design, UOC). He is a seasoned ecosocial systems designer and regenerative development practitioner, and amplifies his work by starting and participating in various local, national and international networks on permaculture, and also by designing and implementing cutting-edge projects in decentralised governance, social solidarity economy, community resilience, and regenerative development in rural regions in Catalonia, as co-founder of the non-profit cooperative Resilience.Earth. He is an associate professor with the University of Girona.

Rita Salgado Brito
Assistant researcher of the Urban Water Division at LNEC. Civil Engineer, MSc in Hydraulics and Water Resources, PhD in Civil Engineering. R&DI and training experience in urban drainage systems; wastewater and rainwater; monitoring of hydraulic and water quality parameters;condition assessment and hydraulic modeling of drainage systems; urban water cycle; asset management; resilience of urban systems. 10 years teaching experience at the Technical Institute of Setúbal, Portugal. Participated in the H2020-RESCCUE project in the development of resilience action plans in Lisbon, Barcelona and Bristol and a resilience assessment framework. Chair of the Strategic Asset Management Specialist Group of the International Water Association (IWA SAM-SG). Member of ISO TC251 (Asset management).

Ayyoob Sharifi
Ayyoob Sharifi obtained a PhD in Environmental Engineering from Nagoya University. He holds a Master in Urban and Regional Planning from Iran University of Science and Technology and a Bachelor in Civil Engineering from University of Tabriz. Ayyoob's scholarly work is mainly at the interface of urbanism and climate change mitigation and adaptation. He is interested in pursuing research at the interface of climate change and urban planning. Ayyoob is currently Assistant Professor at the Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University.

Maria Adriana Cardoso
Assistant Researcher of the Urban Water Division at LNEC, Civil Engineer, MSc on Hydraulics and Water Resources, PhD in Civil Engineering. R&D&I and training expertise in urban water management; urban drainage modeling and monitoring, performance assessment and benchmarking of urban water services; asset management of urban water infrastructures, water cycle safety planning and urban resilience assessment and planning in the urban water cycle. Participated in more than 65 national and international research, development and innovation projects, including the H2020-RESCCUE project leading the development of resilience action plans in Lisbon, Barcelona and Bristol and a resilience assessment framework.

Lilia Yumagulova
Lilia Yumagulova, MSc (Risk analysis), PhD (Planning) is a Bashkir woman that specializes in risk management and planning for urban and regional resilience. Her interdisciplinary academic path combines engineering, social sciences, public policy, international relations and planning. With over 15 years of experience in government, NGOs, media, Indigenous communities and supranational organizations in Europe and North America, Lilia’s passion is in building community resilience to climate change and disasters. In Canada, she is the Program Director for the Preparing Our Home Program and Editor for HazNet, Canada’s disaster resilience magazine.

Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy
Stewart Sarkozy-Banoczy is Director Global Strategic Partnerships and Development, and Senior Advisor for North America for the Resilient Cities
Network, the evolved, city-led network of the 100 Resilient Cities (100RC) program. In these roles, special projects include the creation of the Resilient Community Impact Fund (RCIFund) and co-facilitation of the Resilience 21 (R21) Coalition.

Eefje Hendriks
Eefje is a doctoral researcher in the field of humanitarian assistance. Her doctorate is supported by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research and both the University of Technology in Eindhoven and the Avans University of Applied Science, where she lectures. She has two cum laude master's degrees: Architecture and Building Technology and graduated earlier on the development of community shelter in Haiti. In her PhD research she focuses on knowledge adoption to build back safer housing after disaster. Her most recent field study (2018) was a knowledge assessment on hazard-resistant construction principles, in post-earthquake Nepal. Earlier fieldwork conducted: a similar knowledge assessment in post-typhoon Philippines, post-hurricane reconstruction Nicaragua, post-flood shelter test in Senegal, urban slum integration project in Argentina.
Guest Keynotes 2022-2023

Helene Monteiro
International development specialist with over 15 years of professional experience in development cooperation, implementing programs with governments, multilateral
organizations, and NGOs. Specialized in Urban Transformation and Resilience, experienced in strategy development and delivery in multi-cultural environments. Helena has extensive
experience in providing strategic support to partnerships, project/programme management, resource mobilization or development finance and profit organizations/private sector in the
context of development cooperation, resilience and cities.

Leon Kapetas
A hydrologist by training, Leon is a Senior Climate Resilience Specialist leading the implementation of programs for the Resilience Cities Network. He has a strong interest in Nature based Solutions as a vehicle for adapting to climate change, protecting natural capital, and meeting urban development objectives. Leon has experience in research and consulting environments across high- and low- income countries. He has worked as consultant for the World Bank on the development of ‘climate resilience toolkits for PPPs’ and has developed climate risk assessments for African cities. Over the years, he has engaged in numerous capacity building schemes on climate resilience and the mainstreaming of urban NBS.

Minal Pathak
Minal Pathak is a Senior Scientist with the Technical Support Unit of Working Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Associate Professor at the Global Centre for Environment and Energy at Ahmedabad University. She was a co-author on two IPCC Special Reports – ‘Global Warming of 1.5°C’ and ‘Climate Change and Land’ and the co-editor of IPCCs Sixth Assessment Report. She leads the South Asia Hub of the Urban Climate Change Research Network in partnership with Columbia University’s Earth Institute. Her research focuses on climate change mitigation strategies for urban settlements, transport and buildings and their co-benefits/interlinkages with development.

Kostantina Karydi
Konstantina Karydi is an impact oriented professional with significant experience in public policy and international affairs. She has a diverse career in senior advisory
and management roles, indicatively as advisor to the Greek Minister of State (Office of the Prime Minister 2018-2019), Advisor to the Mayor of Athens for European and International Affairs (2013-2015) and Deputy Director for EME and Climate Transformation Lead for 100 Resilient Cities – Rockefeller Foundation. She has a particular focus and experience at the intersection of civil society, risk management and institutional building and has been co-founder or strategic advisor to a number of organisations and regional initiatives.

David Jacome-Polit
Works at the intersection of socioeconomic vulnerability and spatial exclusion and the effects inflicted on these populations by extreme natural events, including the ones caused and amplified by climate change. Has particular interest in creating and strengthening the adaptive capacities of urban and peri-urban socio-ecological and socio-technical networks to ensure the continuity of essential urban functions, such as access to water, food and energy, and other important ones such as access to transportation. Along the way, the creation of livelihoods and the betterment of living conditions is a must.

Annelies Broekman
An agricultural engineer by training, the priority line of interest in my career relates to water management policies in the context of global change. By its nature, this topic entails collaborating with people with different professional profiles and implies the need for adopting a multidisciplinary approach. Since 2013 I am a member of the Water and Global Change Research at CREAF and develop different projects focusing on improving governance strategies for adaptation in the Mediterranean region. My work aims at promoting scientific knowledge to be taken up in management and policy making processes, adopting an integrated view of socioecological systems and fostering co-production of solutions. Member of the Foundation for a New Water Culture, I have an extensive experience in promoting participatory processes and creating deliberative spaces.
Guest Keynotes 2021-2022

Marc Wolfram
Marc Wolfram is the Director of the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) - a non-university research center and member of the Leibniz Association. He is also full professor of spatial development and transformation at Dresden University of Technology (TUD), and the chair of the Dresden Leibniz Graduate School (DLGS).
Before joining IOER, he worked as an associate professor at Yonsei University and Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul (South Korea), pioneering research on urban transformative capacity and advising global city networks and UN bodies.

Carla Mariño
Environmental engineer with a M.Sc. on technology and resource management from the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, certified as an urban greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory specialist from the city climate planner program. Carla is a climate data officer at ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability; she supports cities to report to the CDP-ICLEI Unified Reporting System, to track GHG emissions reduction targets and local climate action. She conducts data analysis on GHG inventories and is part of the team that drives the validation of climate science-based targets for cities.

Manuel Woolf
Manuel Wolff is a post doctoral researcher at the Geography Institute, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, and guest researcher at the Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig, Germany. His main research interest is settled in urban and regional development within the context of urban (re)growth and shrinkage and the associated impacts on land use changes and ecosystem services. Especially, he works on quantitative comparative analysis of human-environmental interactions and trends in European cities including aspects of accessibility, resource efficiency, quality of life, and socio-environmental justice.

Susana Toboso
Susana Toboso Chavero ( is a researcher at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She earned her PhD in Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA-UAB, 2021), she holds a master's degree in interdisciplinary studies in Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability with a specialization in Urban and Industrial Ecology (ICTA-UAB, 2017) and a bachelor's degree in environmental sciences from the UAB (2016).

Luca Bertolini
Luca Bertolini is professor of Urban and Regional Planking at the University of Amsterdam. His research and teaching focus on the integration of transport and urban planning for humane, sustainable and just cities, concepts and practices to enable transformative urban and mobility change, and ways of enhancing collaboration across different academic disciplines and between academia and society.

Sara Maestre
Sara Maestre Andrés is a researcher at the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. She earned her PhD in Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA-UAB, 2016), she holds a Master degree in Ecological Economics and Environmental Management (ICTA-UAB, 2011) and a bachelor degree in Environmental Sciences from the UAB (2010).

Stephan Barthel
Prof. Stephan Barthel leads challenge driven research programs on green cities and on the role that civil society plays in a fair climate transformation. He actively integrates scholars with different knowledge systems in co-creation to strengthen the resilience of socio-ecological functions in the outdoor environment in urban landscapes during a transformation towards a fossil-free future.

Emilio Faroldi
Emilio Faroldi (1961), architect and PhD, is Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano, where he carries out teaching and research activities dealing with issues related to the architectural project with particular interest in the relationships that exist between conception, design and construction of architecture. He organised conferences, training courses and international design seminars.

Eugenio Morelli
Eugenio Morello is Associate Professor in Urban Design at Polimi and coordinator and research scientist at the Laboratorio di Simulazione Urbana Fausto Curti, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (Dastu). Since 2017 he is the Rector’s Delegate for environmental sustainability and responsible for institutional projects towards a sustainable campus. He is the department scientific supervisor of the Horizon 2020 MSCA MultiCAST.
Guest Keynotes 2020-2021

Atyia Martin
Dr. Atyia Martin is the CEO and Founder of All Aces, Inc., an alternative to traditional diversity, equity, and inclusion consulting firms. Dr. Martin has over 20 years of experience applying the principles of racial equity and social justice during her career in resilience, emergency management, public health, and intelligence. Dr. Martin is a certified emergency manager with an Associate of Arts in Serbian Croatian from the Defense Language Institute (DLI), Bachelor of Science from Excelsior College, a Master of Homeland Security Leadership from the University of Connecticut, and a Doctorate of Law and Policy from Northeastern University.

Daniel Eisenberg
Daniel is a Research Assistant Professor of Operations Research at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) and Deputy Director of the NPS Center for Infrastructure Defense. Dan’s research focuses on the design, operation, and adaptation of resilient infrastructure systems with emphasis on applying resilience engineering theory to improve system design and emergency operations. He currently leads projects on the design and management of resilient island and military installation infrastructure systems, including electric power, water distribution, transportation, and telecommunications.

Miriam Garcia
PhD in Architecture, Landscape Architect and Urban Planner, founder and Director of LAND LAB, office based in Barcelona focus on projects aimed at the promotion and development of spatial planning, landscape, urban design and its adaptation to climate change. Her research and professional practice are linked to landscape and ecology as motors of change for plans and projects at multiple scales. In this sense, many of the studies and projects focus on the resilience of coastal, urban, or metropolitan environments to the effects of climate change.

Morgan Richmond
Morgan is a Senior Analyst at Climate Policy Initiative (CPI) – an analysis and advisory organization with expertise in finance and policy with a mission to help governments, businesses, and financial institutions drive economic growth while addressing climate change. At CPI, her work centers on tracking and mobilizing climate finance (with an emphasis on adaptation and resilience) through work including CPI’s Global Landscape of Climate Finance and the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance. Morgan was an author of a recent report assessing the state of global urban climate adaptation finance and recommending analytical methods to address current data and methodological limitations to tracking that finance.

Samer Bagaeen
Samer is urban practitioner, city diplomat and educator with an international experience working alongside mayors, practitioners and the broader community helping equip them with the tools to manage projects, strengthen infrastructure, and forward plan for recovery. Before joining 100RC, Samer worked in academia and in the private, public and voluntary sectors across Europe and the Middle East. Samer holds a BA in Architecture and Masters of Urban Design in Developing Countries (UCL), a Diploma in International Cooperation for Development from the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid. He also holds a Ph.D. in Planning Studies from UCL and an MBA from the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.
Guest Keynotes 2019-2020

Michael Neuman
Michael Neuman is Professor of Sustainable Urbanism at the University of Westminster and principal of the Michael Neuman Consultancy. His research and practice span urbanism, planning, design, engineering, sustainability, infrastructure and governance. He has advised the mayors of Barcelona, San Francisco, Oakland, and Wroclaw; the Regional Plan Association of New York, the Barcelona Metropolitan Plan, and governments and private clients around the world. His leadership roles have spanned organisations, governing boards and editorial boards across the globe. He earned his doctorate from UC Berkeley and masters from the University of Pennsylvania, both in City and Regional Planning.

Barbara Maher
Barbara Maher holds a PhD on the Origins and Transformations of Magnetic Minerals in Soils from the University of Liverpool. She is currently a Professor of Environmental Science at Lancaster University, and the Director of the Lancaster Environment Centre’s widely acclaimed Centre for Environmental Magnetism and Palaeomagnetism. Her research focuses both on the health effects of magnetite particles in air pollution, and retrieving “palaeoclimatic, palaeoenvironmental & dating information from the magnetic records of Quaternary terrestrial sediments & deep-sea sediments”. She uses magnetic methods to analyse a range of current environmental issues, including air pollution and water contamination.

Gonzalo Lizarralde
Gonzalo Lizarralde’s work focuses on understanding project processes, risks, low-cost housing, and informality in urban settings. His research has impacted housing and urban policy in Haiti, Cuba, Chile, Colombia and other countries of the Global South. Since 2017, he is the holder of the Université de Montréal Fayolle-Magil Construction Research Chair in Architecture, the Built Environment and Sustainability. He is also the director of the IF Research Group (grif) and the Canadian Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Reconstruction Research Alliance (Oeuvre durable). He is one of the founders of i-Rec, an international network of specialists in disaster risk reduction and post-disaster reconstruction.

Isabelle Anguelovski
Isabelle Anguelovski obtained her PhD in Urban Studies and Planning from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She holds a Master in International Development and Humanitarian Assistance from the Sorbonne University Paris and a bachelor in Political Science and Government, Sociology from Sciences Po Lille. Her research is situated at the intersection of urban planning and policy, social inequality, and development studies. Isabelle is a Senior Researcher and Principal Investigator at the Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and is the Director of the Barcelona Lab for Urban Environmental Justice and Sustainability.

Kevin Winter
Kevin Winter obtained a PhD in Water Resources from University of Cape Town and holds a Master from London University and a Bachelor from University of Cape Town. He is Senior Lecturer at the Environmental & Geographical Science Department (ENGEO), University of Cape Town, where he roots a vast set of research projects and activists initiatives about water management and drought resilience.

Sebastiaan van Herk
Sebastiaan holds a PhD degree from IHE-Delft & TU Delft (NL) in Climate Adaptation & Flood Risk Management and a MSc degree (cum laude) in Technology, Policy & Management from TU Delft. He has 17 years of experience in R&D and innovation in City Resilience and related domains. He is interested in co-creating business cases and valuing multiple benefits to deliver resilient and liveable cities. He is Partner & Director at Bax & Company where he leads 2 focus areas of Climate & Environment and Smart Cities & Data. He is Advocate for UN-DRR in Resilience, Expert for UN Environment in Sustainable procurement, and Lead Expert for Urbact’s Healthy Cities. He is guest researcher and lecturer at IHE-Delft (NL) and South East University (China).

Daniel Aldrich
An award-winning author, Daniel Aldrich has published five books, more than seventy peer-reviewed articles, and written op-eds for The New York Times, CNN, Asahi Shinbun, along with appearing on popular media outlets such as CNBC, MSNBC, NPR, and HuffPost. Aldrich has spent more than five years carrying out fieldwork in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East and his research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Fulbright Foundation, and the Abe Foundation.

Nuha Eltinay
Nuha Eltinay is an award-winning urban planner and a Licentiate Member of the British Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), MA holder of International Planning and Sustainable Development from University of Westminster, and PhD holder from London South Bank University (LSBU), working towards the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in the Arab Region.
Guest Keynotes 2018-2019

Peter Newman
Peter is one of the first in having published on City Resilience, early in 2005, and a leading international figure when it comes to planning and governance of infrastructures. He has been our Invited Keynote in 2019, holding a brilliant talk and discussion on the future of cities and how resilience and sustainability need to get combined in planning and policy. Peter sat on the Board of Infrastructure Australia and is a Lead Author for Transport on the IPCC. In 2001-3 Peter directed the production of Western Australia’s Sustainability Strategy in the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. He is currently Professor of Sustainability at Curtin University.

Kirsten Dunlop
Kirsten Dunlop is Chief Executive Officer at EIT Climate-KIC (Knowledge and Innovation Community) since 2017 - the EU's largest public-private partnership addressing climate change through innovation by achieving deep decarbonisation across cities, while tackling land use, agriculture and industrial manufacturing, and securing finance. She is a specialist in experiential learning and a life-long exponent of cross-disciplinary thought and
practice and her career spans academia, consulting, banking, insurance, strategy, design, innovation and leadership, across Europe, Australia and North America.

Rob Hopkins
Rob Hopkins obtained his PhD from Plymouth University and holds a first class Honours degree in environmental quality and resource management from the University of the West of England and a Master in Social Research. Moreover, he was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of the West of England. Founder of the Transition movement, he has published four books on environmentalism and activism. His books Transition Handbook (2008) and The Transition Companion (2011) were translated into several languages and attracted a great deal of attraction, from the environmentalist movement but also from British members of parliament.

Diana Reckien
Diana Reckien is an Associate Professor for Climate Change, Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, since 2014. Her work focuses on the interplay of climate change, sustainable development and urbanity. Dr. Reckien received her PhD in Geography in 2007 from the University of Marburg, Germany, in cooperation with the John-Moores-University Liverpool, UK.

Chris Zevenbergen
Chris Zevenbergen obtained his PhD in Environmental Chemistry from Utrecht University and holds a Master in Ecology and Soil Sciences from Wageningen University. His research interest is specifically on innovative concepts to mitigate urban flood impacts, flood proofing building designs and technologies and on decision support tool development in urban planning with practical application in urban flood management. Chris is a Professor at the Water Engineering Department of IHE Delft and at the Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering of the TU Delft and a Visiting Professor at the Southeast University (SEU), China.

Braulio Eduardo Morera
Mr Morera is the Director of 50L Home Coalition; the coalition is jointly coordinated by 2030WRG, WEF and WBCSD. Prior to joining WBCSD he was the Director of Strategy Delivery at 100 Resilient Cities and an associate at Arup International Development. In those roles he supported Chief Resilience Officers globally in creating resilience strategies, adopting planning best practices, mainstreaming resilience tools and enabling access to project funding and financing. During his tenure at Arup, Braulio led the development of Rockefeller Foundation’s City Resilience Index and coordinated teams developing complex urban projects for corporate clients, city governments and UN agencies.