
The intership is an imporntant part of the program, taking almost the whole second semester and aiming to bridge the gap between theory and practices.

Internships usually start around mid April/May, and can be done part time (almost 6 moths) or full time (4 months).

Before the Internship

Students are supported in the identification of the right partner in different ways.
During the first trimester, the module News and career paths if introducing them to the main event and  players of urban resilience.
In the second trimester a list of 75+ partners will be introduced to students (some partner will be introducing theirselves during seminars) during a week free of classes and dedicated to look for internships, while mentors from the CoP and professors will be available for helping students finding the right partner for the internship.

Hosting Institutions

The host partners are mainly city resilience officers, international organisations, NGOs, multilateral agencies, consulting firms, engineering and architecture studios among others (you can scroll few of them in our Partner section).

You can find a list of the main partners here.