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Through back to New Orleans – Exploring Urban Resilience Pathways

By May 25, 2023Blog, Learnings, News

Through back to Montreal, and the incredible work by our former student and now Alumni Riwa Abdel Khalek. We want to share with you and give more visibility to these reports and city collection, wishing to provide a global overview about different cities’ experience in resilience, and how this is evolving.

The series is titled “Exploring Urban Resilience Pathways” and each report was prepared by a student of our Int. Msc. City Resilience Design and Management (#URNet and UIC Barcelona School of Architecture) during their time here at the master, the first semester, as a learning outcome of the acquired analytical skills – to find, understand, organize and communicate different perspectives, approaches and models of urban resilience implementation in a determined city.

Here link to the pdf to know more on Montreal:

#cities #managament #resilience #design #sustainability