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Thesis Submission – UP 2030

By May 11, 2023Blog, News

Students have submitted in these last days this year`s report! Thesis commitee, this year composed by, new academic menthor Cynthia Echave, Enzo Falco from University of Trento (UNITN), and our Director Lorenzo Chelleri have assisted their presentation and reviewing now the work.

This year here at @architectureUIC, the task was different from the previous years. Moving on from analyzing cities under the frameworks of the 100 city resilient cities the aim instead was to provide an overview and critical discussion on specific “tools” part of the European Project UP2030. In the framework of H2020 RESCCUE project ( a prioritization methodology and tool were developed to assist decision makers to select the most efficient measures in terms of both their costs and the degree of risk reduction that they can guarantee.

The objective of these tools are to support decision makers to select the most efficient measures to adapt cities to flooding, storm surges, combined sewer overflows, drought or heatwaves episodes; to combine technical and economic im pact assessment when selecting the most efficient climate change adaptation strategies; to extend current database and tool with mitigation measures.

The best reports will be published on our website and will be for you available to take a look at. Stay tuned!
