It has been 3 years already since our International Master Degree has started offering a continuous and transdisciplinary learning experience to its students and alumni, and we are now ready to offer more!
Architects wishing to understand policies, planners wishing to get the design principles, engineers wishing to work with communities on empowerment and justice: this is our yearly audience working through resilience. However, it comes a moment when the closing “implementation module” needs to focus on a case study, putting most of the learnings together, and work in groups to assess and propose a city resilience strategy. This has been done through a couple of weeks workshop, during the first year of the program, then expanded to almost a month of design studio the latest years, but still we always felt missing time, to properly address design or implementation challenges of our proposals. This is why next year the master offers two parallel and overlapping paths within the implementation module: urban resilience design, and urban resilience policies and planning!
As you can see our master evolves offering you more: for the first four months you will explore with your classmates four modules (on theory, built environment, green infrastructure and community resilience); after that you will be asked to choose your path for the last two months long module on “Resilience implementation” and will be working with your group (max 8 people) on the design or the policies and planning aspects of resilience. We hope you won’t feel the risk of losing learning opportunities, design key seminars are available to the policy-group and viceversa, if you wish to learn from the other group. It is just that you will focus more and work mainly on one of these two perspectives when it comes to our workshops, or methods and tools, getting the specialization you wish to gain, and that the job market asks you.
We welcome on board Prof Oscar Carracedo (National University of Singapore – NUS), director of the DRIA-Designing Resilience in Asia International Research Programme and director of the InnerHoods Lab, who will lead the Design path jointly with a group of key international tutors and lecturers.
Oscar Carracedo and the Designing Resilience in Asia competitions. Source:
On the other side, Prof Marie-Christine Therrien (ENAP Montreal), Director of Cité-ID LivingLab Urban Resilience Governance, and Prof. Matti Leone (University Federico II of Naples), co-director of the European Hub of the Urban Climate Change Research Network, will co-lead the policy and planning group of the implementation module.
Marie Christine Therrien and the City ID Living Lab. Source:
This choice two split the students is strategic in the sense of providing them with the opportunity to go in depth with one perspectives of resilience, learning specific tools and methods, but also collaborate closely with each other, having both groups working together throughout the course, sharing few seminars, and working on the same case study, so complementing each other. Last but not least, most of our classes are recorded, and available to our ALUMNI, in order to provide you all with a continuous learning community of practice, feeding year after year insights, tools, and why not, job opportunities and which are the most required skills to be successful after the master.
Mattia Federico Leone and the Climate Resilient Design Workshops. Source:
We can’t wait to share here through our posts the insights from these two path experiences next year 🙂 Stay tuned!