The program description and all the information related to the course.
Oct 2022-Sep 2023
Taught in English
The International Master’s Degree in City Resilience Design and Management is the first trans-disciplinary program providing you the comprehensive, integrated perspective about Urban Resilience and Sustainability. The title reflects the need to go beyond the “building resilient cities” paradigm, taking resilience as a process expressed through a set of capacities that cannot be just “built or designed”, but must be managed, thus prioritized or decreased (nobody among us wants corruption to be resilient).
The aim of this master’s degree is to allow and teach students to become and work within a global community of practice through a continuous learning process. Classes, debates and workshops will providing them the skills to start understanding many disciplines’ inputs and then learning how to work individually and in team toward a Trans-disciplinary approch (beyond academia, understanding city practitioners, activists, and professors, and thus confronted with real-world issues and projects).
Our goal of building and feeding through time this glocal community of practice, of transdisciplinary urban resilience thinkers, will also facilitate and support each student in defining the individual interests, project ideas or career ambitions.
The one year program is divided into 2 semesters: the first is a mix of on-site & virtual classes, while the second is focusing on individual report writing (similar to a thesis) and the most of it spent for the internships (3 to 5 months). Scroll down and dive into the detailed descriptions of each of the many modules which contribute to make this master a truly exciting learning experience
This programme is intended for university graduates from the following areas of urban studies:
- Urban and Regional Planning
- Urban Design
- Geography
- Social and Political Sciences
- Engineering
- Architecture
- Landscape and Environmental Design and Management
- Regional Economy, Ecology