We are very pleased and happy that our Director Lorenzo Chelleri has been invited to join oddebates.com organized by Œuvre-durable and i-Rec,The Canadian Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Reconstruction Research Alliance and i-Rec − Information and Research for Reconstruction.
#Counsultants and International Agencies are playing an increasingly active role in supporting #climatechangeaction and driving cities towards climate risk-reduction. Their role however is not always helping. The opening question of the debate moderated by Gonzalo Lizarralde is indeed focusing on this theme ” Do international agencies, consultants and other “orchestrators” truly help cities reduce climate – related risks?
What do you think? Read what our Director Lorenzo Chelleri and of Dr. Craig Johnson have to say on the matter and add your voice to the debate by posting a comment and voting in the poll! There are 3 awards for the best comments! Join us!